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Facts & Tips

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Inside Your HVAC Sytem

Your centralize HVAC system and ventilation/air duct system is the #1 area, for bio-nesting & breeding areas, for unwanted guests.


Spores, bacteria, pet dander, viruses, and debris of all kinds (especially in floor air ducts) ends up in the HVAC system and air ducts. Without professional cleaning & sanitizing, they will continue to grow and spread throughout your home, every time your unit is operating.


The time to clean and rid the system of these contaminants is NOW with professional air duct cleaning! 


Great Information on
Indoor Air Quality

EPA - A Guide To Indoor Air Quality

Indoor Air Pollution Worse Than Outdoor Air Pollution

How Air Quality Could Be Affecting Your Workplace

Most people spend more time at work than they do anywhere else. It's important that the Indoor Air Quality at your work place is the best it can be.


If you or your employees are experiencing, more than usual days off due to an unexplained illness, it could be your Indoor Air Quality.


If fatigue and sleepiness seem to be happening to people and/or allergies seem to react more at work, It could be your Indoor Air Quality. 

Stressed Man

We can come into your office or work place and conduct a picture inspection of the inside of your HVAC Air Duct System to confirm if there are problems within the ducts that are causing the problems. Most of the time, this is the problem.


There is no charge for this and you'll receive pictures showing any/all problems. We have many satisfied commercial accounts including restaurants, offices, medical facilities for humans and pets, schools, clothing stores, and department stores. Call the appointment center to set this up 423.886.5800.


We clean dryer vents too- homes and apartment complexes!

Indoor Air Quality Facts


"The E.P.A ranks poor Indoor Air Quality among the top five environmental risks to public health." (American Lung Association) 


"Those who are most susceptible to indoor air pollution are children, pregnant women, and the elderly."  (National Safety Council)


"Contaminated central air handling systems can become breeding grounds for mold, mildew, and other sources of biological contaminants." (Environmental Protection Agency)


"50% of all illnesses are aggravated or caused by polluted indoor air."  (American College of Allergies)


"Levels of air pollution inside the home can be two to five times higher than outdoor levels."  (Environmental Protection Agency)

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